This article will discuss the prospects and influence of Russian economic increase since Russia's export of military products and techniques is an influence on its economic recovery. 则从军品、技术出口成为俄罗斯经济恢复增长的影响因素之一角度,分析其经济增长的前景和影响。
In chapter three, three key techniques differing this CRM solution from others, are researched, including management of synergic export business process, conflict management in export enterprises, risk management in export business. Models of the techniques are built. 第三章对外贸企业客户关系管理系统区别于其他行业解决方案的关键技术外贸业务协同过程管理、冲突管理与风险管理建立了过程模型。
Rapid diagnosis of aquatic pathogens was of great significance for breeding, disease prevention, import and export quarantine, aquatic food safety, etc. Since their individual deficiency, most of the conventional pathogen detection techniques are not suitable for rapid field detection. 水产病原的快速诊断,对水产养殖的良种选育,疾病预防、进出口检疫、水产品食品安全等方面具有重大意义。由于各自的缺陷,常规的病原检测技术大都不适合养殖基层的现场快速检测。